A unique and proprietary dietary fiber formulation for clinically proven, natural weight management

EFFECTIVE gut support for healthier living

Zy4f6hcaLipoSan Ultra® is a natural dietary supplement for effective weight management. In the digestive system, LipoSan Ultra® complexes and binds with dietary fat in such a way that it is not absorbed by the body.

LipoSan Ultra® is a unique and proprietary dietary fiber formulation, shown to significantly reduce body weight in a human clinical study. The main constituent in LipoSan Ultra® is chitosan, which has been modified and optimized to enhance its
solubility in stomach acid and fat binding performance.

Primex-Liposan_bothProduced in Iceland by combining fresh and high quality raw materials and years of manufacturing experience, LipoSan Ultra® is a patented product that also contains succinic acid, a GRAS approved food additive.

LipoSan Ultra® is available in a wide range of formats for every type of customer. Please check our products page for more information.

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-  clinically proven weight loss -

How does LipoSan Ultra® Work?

Patented Primex technology makes LipoSan Ultra® bind with dietary fat in the stomach and separate it from the digesting food. This results in an emulsion that forms a gel around the dietary fat and prevents it from being absorbed in the body.  Read more about the benefits of LipoSan Ultra® .

BellyA clinical study assessing LipoSan Ultra® showed very positive results. In a double blind placebo-controlled study a significant weight loss was observed in the group taking regular doses of LipoSan Ultra®. The results demonstrate that LipoSan Ultra® is effective in facilitating weight loss and in reducing body fat with minimal changes to lifestyle. Read the details and look at the data in our scientific documentation section on